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Re: [Asrg] More clueless spam bounces

2003-03-29 11:35:35
In <p06000d39baab6a96ccba(_at_)[192(_dot_)168(_dot_)1(_dot_)104]> Kee Hinckley 
<nazgul(_at_)somewhere(_dot_)com> writes:

I'm sorry that you don't understand the social assumptions implicit in
human conversation. However that does not excuse your anti-social
behavior. I assume that if we were at a meeting, you would only talk
to him while sitting at the table, but spit in his face if he tried to
talk with you in the hallway?

You can check the archive, but Phillip was the first to call someone
"clueless".  I think you analogy would be closer to "I assume that if
we were at a meeting, you would only talk to him while sitting at the
table, but spit in his face if he first spit in your face in the
hallway?"  Spitting in people's faces isn't very nice, even when "he
started it".  However, you (Ken) might want to try and be more even
handed in your lectures.

Of all the companies currently involved in this, and the related
JamSpam discussions, Verisign is by no means the worst.  JamSpam is
*hosted* by Topica. 

A funny story about the JamSpam folks.  I looked into signing up on
their mailing lists, but I refuse to have to disclose things like my
birth date to be use for advertising purposes just to subscribe to a
mailing list.  I sent email to admin(_at_)jamspam(_dot_)org asking if there was
another way to follow the discussions.  Unfortunately, the
admin(_at_)jamspam(_dot_)org email address apparently ends up eventually going 
jamspam-admin(_at_)kavi(_dot_)com which *bounces* with a "Unable to chdir to
maildir. (#4.2.1)" error.


And JamSpam are the folks that think they can make internet email more


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