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RE: [Asrg] SMTP over SSL

2003-04-02 09:46:25

From: "Hallam-Baker, Phillip" <pbaker(_at_)verisign(_dot_)com>

No try, "The owner of this server has undertaken not to spam and
if they do not you can serve papers at this address"

We already have as much of that as is possible without legislation
in domain name and IP address whois records.  

No we don't. Look at the number of people who entered the 
Network Solutions address into WHOIS as their contact details.
At least we know those addresses are fake, there are lots
more that are fake. [And you should hear the complaints from
people who enter fake data when they lose their domain
because they did not get their renewal notice.]

According to WHOIS, VeriSign and Network Solutions have registered
a remarkable number of addresses at competing registrars.

The terms of the ICANN contract with the registrars does not 
require that any authentication be performed on the contact
addresses. Furthermore a lot of the registrars provide proxy
registration services that hide the name of the company
they are issued to.

If the process required true authentication the cost of 
domain names would have to be much higher. True authentication
is not necessary for the purpose of preventing domain name

Take the IP address
of the SMTP client delivering the spam to your SMTP server, 
find the responsible party, and launch lawyers....or serve papers
on the post office for the owner of the advertised post office box,
the HTTP hosting bureau for the advertised URL, or the telco for 
advertised phone number.

As the AOL lawyer pointed out, that takes too long, the data
is often gone by the time they get there, if indeed they can.

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