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Re: [Asrg] Whitelisting on Message-ID (Was Turing Test ...) honey pot plug

2003-04-09 11:00:09

On Wednesday, April 9, 2003, at 09:38  AM, Kee Hinckley wrote:

That's the major flaw with the honeypot solution. It deals very poorly with evasion. As soon as honeypots become a problem, spammers will begin to write more sophisticated tests that try and detect honeypots.

I posted an easy way to get around honeypots the other day -- regular tests. Easy to do using a small array of captive accounts, hard to catch.

Any solution that's so easy *I* can pull a way to isolate it off the top of my head is something not worth spending energy implementing, because it's a solution that works only because spammers haven't had enough hassle from it to work around it. That's not even an arms race, that's throwing snowballs at a tank. It'd take us a lot more time and energy to build up a honeypot system annoying enough to amek them notice than it'll take for them to build a system to make that honeypot system useful only against stupid spammers.

So IMHO, it's a bad place to spend our energy, but it won't even slow down the smart spammers, and we don't need sophisticated tools to catch stupid ones.

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