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Re: [Asrg] Whitelisting on Message-ID (Was Turing Test ...) honey pot plug

2003-04-09 10:00:12
At 7:42 AM -0500 4/9/03, Brad Spencer wrote:
what he is trying to do but make it not succeed. In all probability it's an automated tool that makes no checks on the reasonableness of the results. Why would it? The spammers for years have been free to abuse.

At the MIT Spam Conference, Praed said that he felt the best way to evaluate the effectiveness of an anti-spam solution was to see how well it dealt with evasion. I agree.

That's the major flaw with the honeypot solution. It deals very poorly with evasion. As soon as honeypots become a problem, spammers will begin to write more sophisticated tests that try and detect honeypots. Mind you, they don't have to be terribly sophisticated. Here's the simplest one.

- test by sending several thousand of spam messages

Sure, it takes a little more time--a few minutes probably. But that's not a big deal. Then you check your trap accounts that were hidden in the recipient list. No spam--it's a honeypot.

And the honeypot operator is screwed. Either he delivers several thousand spam messages (and probably gets nailed by his ISP), or he gets blacklisted by the spammers. End of story either way.

I don't see any way you can deal with this.
Kee Hinckley          Junk-Free Email Filtering   Writings on Technology and Society

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.
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