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Re: [Asrg] Protecting Legitimate Commercial Email (was Re: ESPC P roposal)

2003-04-30 17:09:00
On Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:45:08 -0400 
Barry Shein <bzs(_at_)world(_dot_)std(_dot_)com> wrote:
On April 30, 2003 at 14:18 claw(_at_)kanga(_dot_)nu (J C Lawrence) wrote:
ISPs and others start refusing to deliver their traffic.
If they pay their freight (I am positing some sort of pay-per-piece
system) or provide a pull list they don't have to worry about this
sort of thing.

Gotcha: the disparity between the cost of, "The right to receive mail"
vs "The right to send mail."

I just meant that I'm not proposing any sort of all-mighty centralized
control which would set a single number answering your question.


P.S. In 1971 President Nixon established a "wage and price controls
board" to help try to stem inflation.

Ahh, now I recall.  Thanks.

J C Lawrence                
---------(*)                Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas. 
claw(_at_)kanga(_dot_)nu               He lived as a devil, eh?    Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.
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