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[Asrg] RMX and Privacy

2003-05-05 19:12:23
We certainly had a good discussion on using RMX. However, there is one issue that has been bugging me that was not mentioned. With the current SMTP system it is very easy to send anonymous email. However, what will happen if RMX is used? RMX is designed to authenticate the domain of the sender, not the actual user so it is still possible to use a proxy to send the email for you. A mixmaster anonymous remailer or a web mail account that was created through can still be used to send email as long as their domains have RMX records.

However, ask yourselves this question: how long will it take until spammers will start using anonymous mixmaster remailers? Even though one individual remailer might be capable to detecting incoming spam, if multiple remailers are used that would be impossible. If spammers now are capable of using multiple IP addresses and gateways, then they can certainly use multiple remailers. If that happens, how long will it take the rest of the Internet community to blacklist the remailers? At the present time it is much easier for spammers to utilize open relays and SMTP gateways rather then mixmaster remailers so they are not used. However, if that avenue is closed they will be forced to use any tools available including remailers. It is rather surprising that they have not been used widely so far. In the future, if the RMX system is deployed how long will it take until those domains are blacklisted?

With this in mind, consider if we want to "kill" anonymous email. Even the postal system still allows mail to be sent anonymously as long as the postage is paid. Even though people might argue that it is worth to lose privacy versus having spam, I am not so sure. We need to draw a balance here.

Nevertheless, even with anonymous remailers gone, there are still many other options open like webmail accounts, HushMail, etc. But just like the people desiring privacy will turn to those, so will the spammers. Without some inherent antispam tools in webmail accounts, those domains will become blacklisted eventually as well. We must keep in mind privacy concerns when developing any anti-spam system.

Yakov Shafranovich / <research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com>
SolidMatrix Research, a division of SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc.
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