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Re: [Asrg] seeking comments on new RMX article

2003-05-06 06:47:13
I want to see an RMX type scheme implemented because it is necessary to 
reduce/end the freely forgeable mail protocol we have now.  With an RMX type 
scheme forging is greatly reduced.

This would reduce the ISP's need to censor incoming/outgoing mail.  I am not 
in favor of any scheme that involves other people or their programs reading 
my mail.

The goal of the RMX type scheme is to make the spammer accountable instead of 
the ISP.  The spammer is the one responsible for abusing the system and is 
the best target for our wrath.

With regard to accepting legitimate mail from spam friendly connection IPs, an 
RMX system lets you set up a program to notify you of the abuse.  One day 
your mail server starts getting hit with 100 invalid (according to RMX) 
emails and you look at it and fix it.  Or the opposite side, you accidently 
set up an open relay and suddenly get notified of 1000 RMX failures in 
outgoing mail (You then fix it right away and feel silly for making such a 
mistake).  It is a win-win situation.

On Monday 05 May 2003 08:01 pm, Daniel Feenberg wrote:
I think what is left unstated in this dispute is that the RMX proponents
would like to discriminate among senders at a finer level than the IP
address of the connecting host. They want to accept legitimate mail from
spam-friendly connection IPs, and reject other mail. This would reduce the
need for ISPs to "censor" their customer's incoming/outgoing mail, and the
need for customers to find an ISP with a mail policy they can live with.

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