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Re: [Asrg] Proposal: Separate ISP(s) for "guaranteed delivery" of email

2003-07-07 04:50:44
I assume when you say: reliable you mean you will always get it if one is sent. Unfortunately there is no way in the SMTP world to do that.

Chuck Wegrzyn

Walter Dnes wrote:

On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 11:26:21AM -0400, Kee Hinckley wrote

One of us is misunderstanding.  I'm not sure which of us.
My issue as a business is how do I ensure that I reliably get email from customers who aren't paying to send.

 Given that...
 a) $9/month or freebie email accounts are, by definition, not
    business-class robust
 b) turning off filtering to guarantee reciept of customer email means
    a deluge of spam

 I would suggest web-forms for customer contact.

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