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Re: FW: [Asrg] 0. General

2003-10-22 12:23:22
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Brad Knowles <brad(_dot_)knowles(_at_)skynet(_dot_)be>
Date:  Thu, 23 Oct 2003 01:39:42 +0700

At 2:25 PM -0400 2003/10/21, Denny Figuerres wrote:

 Anonimity:  as far as I am concerned if someone wants me to recive a
 message they should be willing to identify them selves.
 This does not mean you can not recive an email from an "unknown" party,
 but it does mean that I should be able to read a valid
 Email header that is not lying to me.

      There are human rights workers around the world that have their 
lives literally depending upon being able to send anonymous e-mail. 
You will literally be responsible for the murder of tens, hundreds, 
thousands, maybe millions of people, if you do not account for this 

      Regardless of whatever else we may do, we must find a way to 
preserve the ability to send e-mail anonymously for the people who 
need this feature.  Otherwise, we may never find out about SARS II, 
or the next Tutsi-Hutu massacre until it is too late.

Brad Knowles, <brad(_dot_)knowles(_at_)skynet(_dot_)be>

Well in part I will say that I have never sent an "Anon" email and I would like 
to know just how "Anon" it is *unless* you have some kind of 
"Man-in-the-middle" who changes the email headers to hide the sender.

and in my view that can still be done and keep enough of a trail for spam 
handling / traffic accounting.

where [ANON_SMTP_MANGLER] is a "Black box" to the reciver end but has an 
address and can be found, may be more than one server, may use more than one IP 
/ server to do it's work.

also while we are talking about this:  spam filters read and clasify email, 
they track senders and log stuff....
IMHO thats a *LOT* of data and code that could be used by the wrong folks to 
trap the very email we want to get thru.
so don't the senders of this email need to masq the content with say PGP at the 

Denny Figuerres
Twenty billion junk e-mail messages sent per day may
potentially take 20 billion seconds to delete. A human life is a
mere two billion seconds long. In effect, spammers kill ten
people each day.


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