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Re: [Asrg] Spam, defined, and permissions

2004-12-23 16:13:08

But the problem with a goal of every end-user running a mail server is
that they're not generally prepared to be "always on" which can create
various problems including bouncebacks, must keep their own servers
functional which thus far tends to be very difficult, additionally
must keep any domain mapping functional which only complicates matters
further, and must deal with all sorts of problems including spammers
and their ilk flooding their server into uselessness, managing backup
servers, possibly load-balancing, having to have roughly peak-usage
bandwidth and resources or suffer the consequences, etc etc etc.

But a mailbox via pop or imap is just an authentication, a lock and a
basically one or more file transfers, plus or minus, and is quite
forgiving of all kinds of subtleties.

I think end-to-end for email was a nice idea in the far distant past
but it's become a dead dodo for the vast majority of customers who
would just as soon be CUSTOMERS of all those complexities I mention
rather than service providers.

At any rate, I don't know that it really matters since whatever is
adopted to fight spam coming out of a forum such as this can be
utilized by, to quote one of Lily Tomlin's characters, Kings and
Queens right down to the Scum of the Earth.

I guess the only major difference is that if we presume that anything
proposed must work in an end to end environment inclusive of, e.g.,
home users, then it would need to scale down to smaller per
transaction resources and a level of simplicity that people with very
limited interest can quickly and easily grasp (e.g., automatable to a
very high degree.)

Of course, then the PDP-11 and Atari/ST users will show up demanding
that their systems be taken into full account...

I know, we'll wave that hand when we get to it.

        -Barry Shein

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