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Re: [Asrg] TitanKey Patents

2005-03-28 19:11:20
In article <200503280718500(_dot_)SM06476(_at_)sk(_dot_)cybercominc(_dot_)com> 
you write:
Prior art not yet established.

I think we've established that there is plenty of prior art
to bust this particular patent, including some that the 
patent holder said here that he had looked at but evidently 
didn't understand.

Since my last post, I've contacted both authors of Obtuse & check_local.
Current status: neither has been able to confirm prior art.  

Considering that the prior art we've been referring to is in the
Obtuse daemon, and the author of the Obtuse daemon hasn't answered
your question yet, that claim is at best disingenuous.  I have a copy
of the 1997 Obtuse daemon and have personally verified the SMTP time
per-user whitelist and blacklist.  If your broken C/R didn't reject
all my mail, you'd have read my mail to you about it.

I find it quite interesting that I've presented Titan Key's
technology to many, many ISPs, sysadmins, and respected
professionals like the Chief Architect of Microsoft Exchange, and
the Lead Engineer for consumer anti-spam products at Symantec, and
until this recent set of posts, I've ...

Why would anyone expect a bunch of corporate Windows guys to know or
care anything about Unix freeware like Obtuse?

In any event, I see no benefit to anyone other than perhaps Titankey
of continuing this argument, so like I said, it's over.

John Levine, johnl(_at_)iecc(_dot_)com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet 
for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be,, Mayor
"More Wiener schnitzel, please", said Tom, revealingly.

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