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[Asrg] domain-based feedback loops (Re: Dictionary Attacks)

2008-11-19 15:51:27
On 19/11/2008 11:50, "Ian Eiloart" <iane(_at_)sussex(_dot_)ac(_dot_)uk> wrote:

Most feedback loops are IP address based, but I've just read that AOL are
intending to implement a dkim/domain based feedback loop.


I'm glad you found the article interesting.

Yahoo! has had an FBL based on DomainKeys for some years.  They were the
first and (until AOL's announcement) only ISP to do so.  (I worked there at
the time, and designed it.)

There are four really cool (in my mind) things about DK or DKIM domain-based

1. feedback can be routed correctly even if the message was forwarded or
otherwise resent

2. feedback can be routed to different domain owners (or different report
recipient addresses) who send different domains through the same IP or set
of IPs

3. when a domain owner starts sending through new/different IPs, the
feedback follows

4. it encourages use of authentication (always a nice side benefit)

I'll be writing more about this stuff for the blog in the
near future.

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