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Re: [Asrg] where the message originated

2009-01-12 12:14:42
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 05:03:37PM +0100, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
Incorrect.  The receiving MTA should reject with an appropriate error
message.  While it's much more likely that a malware filter will generate
a FN than a FP, it's still possible, and an error message will be helpful
in tracking down such situations.

Rejecting has been my first approach when I first installed an avfilter. 
When I realized the number of infections I was causing that way, I 
started to drop rather than reject. 

I'll probably have more to comment on in your message, but I stopped
here because I'm confused and puzzled, and could use some clarification
on what you mean by "infections...[you were] causing".  I don't understand
how issuing an SMTP reject could cause an infection; wouldn't doing so
be the equivalent of telling an already-infected host "you're infected"?

Could you expand on what you mean by this?

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