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[ietf-dkim] Re: on the suitability of the From header field

2005-08-13 18:33:39
I strongly disagree.

Help me understand. You disagree with what? With the assertion that end-users consider the
RFC2822.From as the message sender?

If end-users today are accustomed to thinking the message was
sent by RFC2822.From, they will need to berr educated, and
they may also need better MUAs that make the distinction clear.

That would be nice. But, that's not something we have the power to achieve. I wouldn't even want that job.

But I don't think most end-users are this naive or incapable of
understanding the difference. Mailing lists, for example, do not
follow this convention.  Nor do forwarded messages.  Neither
one of these seems to result in a great deal of user confusion.

In all these cases the messages have a FROM header. Look, I just asked my wife "Who sent this message?" She told me "Keith Moore did". I asked, "How do you know that?" "Because it says so right there" (pointing to the FROM in my Outlook Express. "That's what is says right there." I asked, "Would it change your concept of who sent it if I told you this was a mailing list?" "No." "What if I said this was a forwarded message?" "No." So, none of that matters. What's in the FROM is who sent the message in the eyes of email consuming humanity.


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