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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: Change the SSP o= to use words, break out 3rd party?

2005-11-08 19:03:38
In <43714276(_dot_)5B52(_at_)xyzzy(_dot_)claranet(_dot_)de> Frank Ellermann 
<nobody(_at_)xyzzy(_dot_)claranet(_dot_)de> writes:

o mnemonic  mail   signature  3rd party  your 
  NONE      other  n/a        n/a        #1
. NEVER     never  n/a        n/a        #8
^ USER      maybe  other      n/a        #9
            maybe  never      n/a        #2
? WEAK      maybe  maybe      never      #4
~ NEUTRAL   maybe  maybe      maybe      #5
! EXCLUSIVE maybe  always     never      #6
- STRONG    maybe  always     maybe      #7

Personally, I really don't much like the "WEAK", "EXCLUSIVE",
"STRONG", etc. mnemonics.  I guess they try to describe the quality of
the policy, rather than decribe the function that they create.  I
think decribing the function would be better.  I also think that the
descriptions of the policies aren't particularly clear.  For example,
I could see many people considering "WEAK" to be a stronger policy
than "STRONG" because it excludes third party signatures.

I think breaking them out into at least two keywords will lead to
clearer names.


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