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[ietf-dkim] Re: Requirements comment: Bigbank example description

2006-08-10 14:31:37
Scott Kitterman wrote:

For the munger/non-munger approach, how would then domain
owner know if it's users sent to mungers or not?  I don't
see how that's possible.

When I read this article I thought it's something like this:

"All my mails are normally signed by me.  But I participate
 in mailing lists, for mails from known lists my signature
 can be broken (invalid / removed / whatever)."

It's then up to the receiver to define "known lists" somehow.

A relaxed "I sign all", stronger than "sometimes", because
reasons for a broken / missing signature should be "obvious"
for receivers.  We've to ask Wayne if that's what he had in

For I know I don't sign, is there a special action a receiver
can take if they get a message with a signature

They can reject it as not plausible without checking.  Either
an error on the site of the sender, or an emergency, one of the
odd cases discussed in the "threats" RFC.

(maybe claranet started signing and you missed the message)?

I'd hope they publish an SSP in that case, it's quite possible
that I missed this... :-)

If not, do we need to include it?

So far I'd like this better than a "null" policy meaning only
"you found it, and it's empty".  Admittedly this smells a bit
like "URI squatting" / "opt-out".


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