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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: Requirements comment: Bigbank example description

2006-08-10 05:29:00

Frank Ellermann wrote:
Stephen Farrell wrote:
don't we currently have a requirement in 5.3 that says:
9.   [PROVISIONAL] A signature that is not on behalf of the
     RFC2822.From MUST NOT be construed as suspicious for the
     purposes of The Protocol.

In the draft I read 5.3 (9) is completely different.  Which
version are you looking at ?  The "requirements-00" apparently
did not make it yet to the tools server and the DKIM page, to
the tracker, or the "official" drafts directory.

The copy I read has date 2006-08-08, and in that version the
word "suspicious" appears only in section 6.1.

Oops - must be an earlier version Mike sent me. Sorry 'bout

I guess it got deleted. Mike - what was the reason for that

If that were to gain consensus (as I believe it ought, at
least since the alternative makes no cryptographic sense to
me) then would there still be a problem with Resent-* cases?

No more problem with any always-signed-Resent-cases.  But that
eliminates 5.5 in the DSAP draft with a MUST NOT.

I'm quite sure that some requirement will contradict some aspect
of each of the current proposals, but we shouldn't worry about
that too much for now.


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