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Re: [ietf-dkim] Moving to consensus on draft-ietf-dkim-rfc4871-errata

2009-03-20 11:40:11
DKIM Chair wrote:
My apologies for the delay in this; I meant to send this early this week, 
getting back in town, but... then I didn't get to it.

The chairs appreciate the view that the "errata" draft makes a lot of 
Nevertheless, the view that those changes are too great... is quite a 
view.  The only concrete objection we've seen in this latest round is about 
"UAID" term, and that appears to be resolved by making it "AUID".

The question of whether the "errata" draft's changes are too great
relates to whether it can be processed using the errata process or
whether it requires IETF rough consensus.  However, in , Pasi ruled
that it requires IETF rough consensus because it might differ from the
intended consensus when RFC 4871 was approved.  So isn't the question of
the size of the changes moot?

Beyond that, I've seen no clear objections and no alternative text proposed. 
Rough consensus appears to be with the "errata" draft, with the "AUID" change 
made to it.  So there it is.

I still owe the list a more extensive set of comments, which I had
promised "in a few days".  I will send those today.

We have time on the agenda next week for discussion of this, and I think that 
item will be brief.  We have consensus on this text -- and yes, I note that 
given only grudgingly by some.  I expect to spend the face-to-face time in 
getting agreement on the mechanism to proceed (RFC vs non-IESG-approved 
and in discussing where ADSP is and how to proceed on that.

Based on Pasi's comments, I had thought we were going the RFC route.


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