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Re: [ietf-dkim] brand protection, was Is anyone using ADSP?

2009-10-14 15:08:45
On 10/14/09 10:51 AM, Dave CROCKER wrote:

You're trying very hard to infer something that was not stated or implied in
either what Dave said above or in the specs themselves.

In general, people are trying very hard to infer something from DKIM
signatures and from ADSP that simply can't be safely inferred from the
protocols as they have been defined so far.

Some constructive work would be really helpful here rather than all this

All of which begs the basic question of why this thread is being pursued?  The
questions and answers aren't new.

Good question.

While email reputation has managed to retain a semblance of email 
functionality, this often results in more than 90% of the email stream 
being refused.  These refusals are often based upon the reputation of 
the IP address used by SMTP clients.

DKIM offers an opportunity to leverage names as a mechanism for 
acceptance and to authorize third-party domains that might act on behalf 
of the Author Domain without formal arrangements.  The authorization 
could be done in a safe and economical manner to allow Author Domains a 
means to benefit from the other domains reputation and services, and to 
better ensure messages are accepted.

While DKIM is still in the early deployment stages and has not served 
much as an acceptance vehicle, over a comparatively short period of 
time, inclusion of IPv6 addresses will likely make ferreting out bad 
actors based upon an IP address less practical.  In addition, the IPv4 
crunch is also likely to cause a greater level of sharing of outbound 
SMTP servers which will then emit a mixture of good and not so good 
messages.  By providing a lightweight authorization scheme to bolster 
the use of DKIM policy assertions, this should help establish 
relationships between domains and to better help guide acceptance 
decisions upon a domain by-name basis.


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