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[ietf-dkim] Perfect Solution (FDS), was dot-forward, was 8bit downgrades

2011-05-24 13:24:08
FDS - Final Delivery Signer

The perfect solution is the Mail Delivery Agent (MDA) signing all 
Incoming Mail for the User!!  With a Final Delivery Signer or FDS, it 
doesn't matter who signed it, can't blame it on the mail man, this 
truck, or for delivering a torn up letter.

John R. Levine wrote:
Although it is a minor number of messages, I don't think that
ignore-by-design could play a winning role here, because --unlike
mailing lists-- there is no way to eventually fix this at the
forwarding MTA.

If the EAI work is any guide, in the long run everything will be 8 bit, 
and downgrades will eventually go away.

In the shorter term, if the forwarding MTA is inclined to be helpful, it 
can re-sign on the way out.

John Levine, johnl(_at_)iecc(_dot_)com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet 
for Dummies",
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