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Re: New Sieve extension "refuse" proposal - draft-elvey-refuse-sieve-01h

2004-02-13 08:58:47

Hi Matthew,

--On Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:59 AM -0800 "Matthew Elvey (FM)" <matthew(_at_)elvey(_dot_)fastmail(_dot_)fm> wrote:

| Hello, folks.  Please review and provide feedback on the "refuse"
| extension, designed to mostly replace Sieve's "reject" command.

Question - is there any situation where you would want both reject and refuse available at the same time? i.e. couldn't we just get away with an extension that simply indicates that the existing reject command will actually run during the SMTP transaction and will generate an SMTP error instead of an MDN? Or, if modifying the base-spec reject behaviour is really not allowed in this way, how about having refuse do either SMTP error or MDN as appropriate for the system? That would mean that users can write one script using a single command and have it work on any SIEVE system, whether SIEVE runs at SMTP time or post-SMTP. I would hate to have to change reject<->refuse every time I moved or copied a script across different systems.

Cyrus Daboo

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