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Re: my working definition of 2821.mail-from

2004-05-11 21:12:49

On 5/11/04 at 5:20 PM -0400, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

>On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 01:57:39PM -0700, Dave Crocker wrote:
>>In any event, we need to establish a very explicit working group
>>rough consensus about the semantics of RFC2821.MailFrom, given its
>>fundamental role in working group discussions.
>My working interpretation of 2821.mail-from, under the new paradigm, is:

I'm sorry guys, but this is a rathole waiting to happen.
2821.mailfrom has a perfectly valid definition that has nothing to do
with Meng's "interpretation", and neither of those definitions has
anything to do with my proposal. I suggest this be dropped.

I agree with Pete - this is an exceptionally deep rathole that is best
