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Re: my working definition of 2821.mail-from

2004-05-11 21:32:44

On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 09:24:54PM -0500, Pete Resnick wrote:
| I'm sorry guys, but this is a rathole waiting to happen. 
| 2821.mailfrom has a perfectly valid definition that has nothing to do 
| with Meng's "interpretation", and neither of those definitions has 
| anything to do with my proposal. I suggest this be dropped.

I agree also.  The thing is already there, it has a life of its own,
and we are just using it to do stuff.  We've spent enough time
agonizing over semantics to make a roomful of poststructuralist
philosophers proud.  The imponderables are best left to Tech History
PhD candidates.  Right now all we need is a rose by any name.