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Re: Wide-Open MADRID

2004-05-28 12:13:37

"Sauer, Damon" <Damon(_dot_)Sauer(_at_)BELLSOUTH(_dot_)COM>
Well.. That is an awful lot of domain names to block. Especially if the
spammer randomly generates a few hundred a day for the same netblock.
Easier for me to block netblocks.
Both will work... But I still think that it would be even better if we
could limit the netblock so that I could have a choice.

At least, the spammer will have to pay a few bucks for each domain, which
will reduce his profit.

Also, big anti-spam sites like spamcop could create "reputation lists" for
validated domains. For example, has sent 96866593 emails, of which 3
have been reported as spam, that gives it a pretty good reputation. While
domain has sent 1500 messages, of which 1000 were reported
as spam, it gives it a bad reputation.

Guillaume Filion, ing. jr
Logidac Tech., Beaumont, Québec, Canada -
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