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Re: Wide-Open MADRID

2004-05-28 14:49:32

On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 09:27:34PM +0100, Jon Kyme wrote:

Also, big anti-spam sites like spamcop could create "reputation lists"
validated domains. 

Right, and we could call that what? A whitelist? 

I'd imagine a "reputation list" to be something more informative than a
normal whitelist.  Whitelists are binary: you're either on it, or you're
not.  A "reputation list" (or, more generally, reputation service) would
provide a metric of some sort that measures the entity's behavior
against some known standards of behavior.

One could then adjust the received metric according to how much one
trusts/values that reputation-reporting system, and/or how much credence
one puts in the standards against which entities are evaluated.

In short, a reputation system would locate each entity at a point along
a continuum, and people could choose which reputation system(s) they
want to use to evaluate incoming mail.

Mark C. Langston                                    Sr. Unix SysAdmin
Systems & Network Admin                                SETI Institute                     

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