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Re: Alternative to TXT or new RR

2004-06-16 08:15:30

On 6/16/2004 5:36 AM, Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:

I'm pretty sure we'd be doing a SRV lookup for _marid._udp.<domain> and 
then asking that server whether to fail/pass/... the message.

Has this been proposed? I'd support it since it avoids most of the
problems with the existing approaches.

The cost is shifted to the sender, who can implement whatever tests they
want (or can afford), but who cannot get a ride on everybody else' dime.

Blocking time would be slightly longer than DCC/Razor.

It could still be made extensible if the RR listed the servers and the
needed test data (MAIL-FROM, From:, Message-ID:, Date:, ...). The size of
that RR would not be prohibitively large.

Eric A. Hall                              
Internet Core Protocols