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Re: DEPLOY: Microsoft Royalty Free Sender ID Patent License FAQ

2004-08-26 09:17:50

Hmm, IANAL, and believe it or not this has nothing to do with who I work
with/for, but from what I've learend about Open Source licensing in the
past few weeks it would seem to me that the qmail license itself is
incompatible with the definition of open source (specifically that it
prohibits re-distribution and sub-licensability).

djb's choice of licensing terms is djb's choice, and this group probably
shouldn't get too hung up on the requirements of a software package that
prohibits *any* modifications to its base code.


On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:

But isn't that all beside the point? Surely exactly the same
IP/licensing problems would still apply if djb were to release a new
version tomorrow.


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