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Re: consensus call on pra/mailfrom deployment and versioning/scope

2004-09-10 06:16:49

On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 11:38:02AM -0700,
 Daniel Quinlan <quinlan(_at_)pathname(_dot_)com> wrote 
 a message of 68 lines which said:

We want some method to parse RFC 2822 headers to be part of the
standard.  However, PRA is off limits to us due to how the license is
currently designed.  An unencumbered method to authenticate RFC 2822
messages that is permitted and encouraged is needed.  

OK, I agree with the idea of having two more scopes:

1) "from", pure and simple plain old 2822 From

2) "fetchmail", meaning the algorithm explained in

Note that I take no position on the usefulness of these scopes. I
simply believe that, given the current state of the art about email
identities, it is better to have choice.

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