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RE: OCP transport vote, commitment

2003-05-13 08:05:17

On Tue, 13 May 2003, jfcm wrote:

I do not say it is a problem. I say it needs clarification. Either
we want to save time and efforts now and capitalize on the present
experience of BEEP and it is true it is not a problem.

Or we want to save time and money for implementation and maintenance
in sharing modules with BEEP what was my understanding?

I am not sure I see the difference between the above two "eithers". If
you are talking about "ideas reuse" versus "code reuse", then I do not
expect much sharing of existing code libraries regardless of the path
we take (OCPTRAN or BEEP), especially for already written
performance-sensitive implementations. Reusing a protocol library "as
is" is often impossible under these circumstances. The best we can
hope for is reuse of code fragments when it comes to parsing or
similar semi-isolated components of existing BEEP and MIME code. Ideas
reuse is always going on, of course.
