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OCP transport vote, commitment

2003-05-09 10:59:53

At the beginning of this discussion, my vote would have been:

        ICAP/1.1:        0%
        OCP/OCPTRAN:    15%
        OCP/BEEP:       85%

My current vote is:

        ICAP/1.1:        5%
        OCP/OCPTRAN:    55%
        OCP/BEEP:       40%

I would be willing to lead OCP/OCPTRAN development and probably can
have the first draft ready in 2 weeks or so. I would be willing to
lead OCP/BEEP development as well, provided BEEP experts such as
Marshall contribute a lot; I would expect first OCP/BEEP draft to be
available in a month or so. Finally, I would be happy to help with
ICAP/1.1 work, but I think ICAP experts such as Martin should lead
that activity.

Here is some justification of my current views.

* BEEP versus OCPTRAN: There are two issues for me here. Wheels reuse
  and XML scare. Initially, I thought that we should just go ahead
  and reuse BEEP. Reuse is great. However, as the discussion got
  more specific, I realized that there are two kinds of reuse.
  Let me call them black box reuse and white box reuse.

  Black box reuse is simple: you take existing something (protocol,
  library, whatever) and build on top of it using published
  interfaces. There is a clear boundary between the "reused" entity
  and its new "owner". In many cases, you can use or invent another
  something that can be reused instead, without modifying the
  owner much. Examples of black box reuse are: writing a C program
  (reusing C language and libc library), wget (reusing HTTP), reliable
  syslog (reusing BEEP)

  White box reuse is integration/merging with existing something
  (protocol, library, whatever) based on the knowledge of internal
  structure of that something. The boundary becomes less clear.
  In many cases, it is impossible to change the "reused" entity
  without also causing significant changes in its "owner". Examples
  of white box reuse: writing a Perl program using internal Perl
  datastructures for optimization purposes (reusing existing
  Perl datastructures), HTTP/1.1 (reusing HTTP/1.0), any protocol
  that defines its own BEEP message types (reusing BEEP)

  Black box reuse is great. White box reuse often, but not always,
  leads to long-term inefficiencies and wasted energy. "Clone and
  modify" is often better than white white box reuse, IMO. For
  example, I believe HTTP/1.1 folks made a strategic mistake by making
  HTTP/1.1 "semi-backword compatible" with HTTP/1.0 (and even having
  two conflicting RFCs for HTTP/1.1 itself!). It looks like ICAP
  suffered the same problem when migration from ICAP/0.9 to ICAP/1.0
  led to major ICAP vendors going different ways while offering
  relatively few advantages to justify the loss.

  In our case, OCP transport is border-line. We can, of course,
  use BEEP as a black box. The resulting protocol will be somewhat
  awkward to document and understand, but it will work (black box
  approach). We can also add our own message types to BEEP, yielding
  a more elegant design, but losing compatibility with existing
  BEEP libraries while still having to leave with certain BEEP
  features that cannot be simply "extended" (white box approach).

  BEEP folks say they saved the world by building something many
  working groups will reuse instead of writing specs from scratch. I
  agree. Unfortunately, BEEP is not universal enough (nothing
  is) -- it makes choices regarding message exchange patterns and
  channel negotiations that are not perfect for OCP. It requires XML.

  If we proceed with OCPTRAN path, we can (but do not have to) try to
  make a similar (but smaller scale) contribution -- future working
  groups might be able to reuse our protocol when what they do is more
  similar to OCP than to BEEP (efficient asynchronous bidirectional
  exchange of large number of opaque application messages that may be
  very small or very large). But that's probably too much to hope for.

* XML scare:

  Many people worry about XML in an "efficient communication" context.
  Perhaps my circle of life is too biased or too small, but that is my
  observation. To maximize OCP adoption chances (by ICAP community),
  we SHOULD NOT use XML (all other factors being the same, which they
  are not). We MUST NOT use XML for each application message exchange;
  using XML for connection-related negotiations MAY be OK, if we
  really need that kind of flexibility.

  Why do I care about ICAP community? Because if those folks do not
  migrate to OCP, OCP will probably die, and all our efforts will
  be wasted.

* ICAP/1.1

  Since we are so unsure about OCP transport, and since some belive
  that work minimization must be our top priority, polishing an
  existing and working protocol may be worse talking about. If we
  adopt ICAP/1.0 almost "as is" we can concentrate on other OPES
  aspects and, perhaps, make them slightly better.

  Migration for ICAP community will be simplified as well, especially
  if we make ICAP/1.1 100% backword compatible to ICAP/1.0.
