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2009-01-26 16:40:08

Good.  As I tried to warn, I don't have 3207 in front of me and
don't have easy access to it today.  The text seems just right
to me.


--On Monday, January 26, 2009 7:31 PM +0000 Tony Finch
<dot(_at_)dotat(_dot_)at> wrote:

On Mon, 26 Jan 2009, John C Klensin wrote:

Right. The quoted 3207 text says to me that the server is
required discard the data sent earlier by the client as part
of EHLO.  I don't see any expectation that it be required to
discard the fact that EHLO was sent.

The quote is:
                             The server MUST discard any
knowledge    obtained from the client, such as the argument to
the EHLO command,    which was not obtained from the TLS
negotiation itself.  The client    MUST discard any knowledge
obtained from the server, such as the list    of SMTP service
extensions, which was not obtained from the TLS    negotiation

The argument to EHLO is just an example and is clearly not the
entirety of what the server is supposed to discard.

Indeed, unless there is something else in 3207, the client
isn't even required to discard the response from EHLO with the
server-supported feature list,

It is required to do so.


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