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Re: Mail Data termination

2011-08-16 14:25:14

On 16/08/2011 19:07, Hector Santos wrote:

I've been seeing (maybe because I'm looking) more transactions from one of more particular senders that include a <CRLF>.<CRLF> end of data terminator in the body but continue with additional text after the DATA has been accepted.

Investigating it seems to be something we can't reliably address short of looking ahead of the receiver buffers to nullify these invalid <CRLF>.<CRLF>.

In once such message, it originated as a IETF mailing list message submission and looking at the archive, the message contains a series of super long single line non-wrapper paragraphs but it appeared during the list server distribution, it was transmitting a QP conversion. Comparing the original archived message which what our receiver was getting, prematurely getting a <CRLF>.<CRLF>, accepting the message and the all the remaining data ending up as 500 command unknowns, I can see what happen.

In the last line our receiver got, the archived had the long unwrapped paragraph with an ending like so:

   blah blah, when normative language ought to have been used.<CR><LF>

and during the QP conversion, it chopped it up into shorter lines:

   blah blah, when normative language ought to have been used=<CR><LF>

So it cut it off at the sentence ending period and put it on its own line and that is where the receiver saw the DATA terminator sequence <CRLF>.<CRLF>.

Is this something that is addressable? Something the QP RFC needs to make a note off if not already there?

This is a broken sender, pure and simple. I think all you can do is what you've been doing. Hopefully the sender will be fixed soon.

QP is irrelevant. The mail sender should be dot padding as the message is sent. The encoding should make no difference.

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