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Re: WAP - What A Problem...

2000-06-30 08:30:02
Valdis, I agree with you a hundred percent. The most
expensive part of infrastructure is pulling the
cables/fiber necessary to build the infrastrucuture.

--- Valdis(_dot_)Kletnieks(_at_)vt(_dot_)edu wrote:
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 00:41:37 +0200, Anthony
Atkielski <anthony(_at_)atkielski(_dot_)com>  said:
If they are that lacking in mere wires, they
probably aren't in a position
to profit from access to the Internet in the first
place.  That is, if they
lack telephones (and that's all they need for
broadband, or at least it's
the better part of the battle), why would they be
surfing the Web?  First
things first.

The fact that they lack wires doesn't mean they lack

Remember that wires are expensive to pull,
especially for those 3 houses
out on the far side of the mountain down the dirt

Countries without landlines are not going to be a
part of the global economy
unless they upgrade in a major way very soon.

You got this wrong.  Countries without
*connectivity* will be screwed. There's
no *obvious* requirement that there be a landline

Having said that, I'm *not* a WAP proponent. ;)
                              Valdis Kletnieks
                              Operating Systems Analyst
                              Virginia Tech

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