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Re: Congestion control

2000-12-15 07:50:02
I am not sure exactly how IETF meetings are executed
or how business is conducted, but the group may
consider occupying an indoor stadium, etc. With the
basic floor space available (convention like)
organizers would be able to resize areas to fit
audiences accordingly.

More importantly sooner or later these meetings are
going to be impossible for everyone to reach on a
global/space planning/agenda/not enough band-width
basis. I think we need to look to the future where
three thousand participants are going to offer up
their ideas and we need to be able to take advantage
of those resources without stuff "getting dropped"
simply because of the meeting space/format. 

Perhaps there should be some sort of use of technology
to broadcast/capture the content and make it available
to everyone on a global scale. Put fifty people who
really want to contribute into a small space and watch
the blood bath.
I think we as a technology minded think tank should
try to look towards capturing all these ideas spilling
forth and make it available on an Internet scale. This
would help with space planning (a virtual conference
room) as well as order of business/capturing good
content. (I as a willing reader cannot afford to trot
the globe to hear all the goodies!)



--- Dave Crocker <dcrocker(_at_)brandenburg(_dot_)com> wrote:
Rather than trying to carefully provide "enough"
meeting room capacity for 
expected attendance, what would be the effect of
reserving *too much* 
capacity for our meetings?


Dave Crocker  <dcrocker(_at_)brandenburg(_dot_)com>
Brandenburg Consulting  <>
Tel: +1.408.246.8253,  Fax: +1.408.273.6464

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