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Re: IETF logistics

2000-12-19 17:50:02

It did indeed seem that the significant majority of 
time was spent 'viewing presentations/tutorials', 
while the WG chairs frequently employed RED/discard 
on the folks that occupied the queues at the 
microphones in order to more promptly begin the 
next tutorial and finish within the alloted time.

This is unfortunate, as the main idea behind meeting 
is to hash out design issues, not to get overly 
verbose presentations that typically aren't required
by those that read the drafts.


      Some compare/contrast about then and now, followed by
some (perhaps radical) thoughts to ponder.  I'm NOT interested
in quibbles about the timeframe for THEN or minor differences
in perception about either THEN or NOW, so I'll ignore any
troll-like responses.  This is intended as a very high-level
set of comments -- high-level necessarily implies a certain
lack of crispness.

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