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Re: Jim Fleming's posting privilleges have been revoked

2001-10-26 16:50:03
On 26 Oct 2001, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
RJ Auburn <rj(_at_)voxeo(_dot_)com> writes:
On Thu, 25 Oct 2001, grenville armitage wrote:
Anthony Atkielski wrote:
I guess those of us who might be interested in hearing all
opinions--and not just those that agree with your own--are out
of luck, eh?

Not at all. Let Jim know you want to hear what he has to say, and
I'm sure he'll cc you on all his future emails.

For the rest of his life :-)

That's not true. After I specifically blocked his ability to talk to
my SMTP server he eventually stopped CCing me on mail messages. The
logs indicate it took him about six months to pay attention to the
bounce messages.

There is always that way to fix the problem :-)

RJ Auburn
Chief Network Architect
Voxeo Corporation

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