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Re: Jabber BOF afterthoughts

2002-07-23 10:43:45
Mostly, that seems quite reasonable.  But I'm interested to understand
what constitutes "non conflict" here.

was my reply to pete on this sufficiently helpful?  if not, i will
beg the help of our sdo lawyers like scott, so you had better be
happy with what i said :-).

sometimes we have X come to us to move their work through our
process after they have not gotten what they wanted from the more
appropriate sdo.  so, if we were to take it on, we could be badly
stepping on someone else's turf.  what goes around comes around,
and we don't want sdo turf wars.  do we want itu to 'help' with

i have no idea if this is an issue here, as i am not in contact
with w3c or whomever else.  i expect you, pete, etc. will know far
better than i if we are nearing hot water here.  i am just asking
you to please be conscious of the issue.

fwiw i have nothing against jabber.  some of my best friends jabber
:-).  i am even trying to get a secure jabber server working (and
am hitting problems).  i am just concerned about process and


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