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Re: a personal opinion on what to do about the sub-ip area

2002-12-10 10:34:37
On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 10:34:10 EST, Eric Rosen said:

Naturally  every special interest  group claims  to be  the defender  of the
values  of  the  larger community.   Since  there  is  no way  to  determine
objectively  what is  or  is not  in  the "larger  community's" interest,  a
properly functioning IESG  would not try to impose  a particular vision, but
would  just work  to  ensure  that the  output  of the  WGs  is of  suitable
technical quality. (Of course, every  attempt to impose by fiat a particular
vision  of  the  future is  portrayed  as  an  attempt to  ensure  technical

And attempts at ensuring technical quality by quashing competent implementations
of stupid ideas is seen as "imposing by fiat"? ;)

Remember that just because something seems to be a good idea in the WG does not
mean that it's a good idea overall.  Forest for the trees.....

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