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Re: spam

2003-05-26 18:03:58

On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 07:26  PM, Valdis(_dot_)Kletnieks(_at_)vt(_dot_)edu 

or having to deal with
what passes for a telco in most of Africa, as some readers almost certainly

I recently found myself bit by spam because the AFNOG mailing list operates on a server that uses DSBL. It's only place my mail bounces as spam (so far...) (I use bell sympatico in canada). This is just a practical need for them as the total bandwidth in and out of Africa is on the order of ~ 2Gbps [1]. So that spam is very expensive there.


[1] mid 2002, intereg_internet_band.html although potentially it could improve dramatically, if the existing SAT-3/WASC/SAFE cable is fully tapped (it has 120Gbps capacity

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