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Re: myth of the great transition

2003-06-18 20:26:34
From: Paul Vixie <paul(_at_)vix(_dot_)com>


oh, that one.  i guess that means the function will have to move offshore.
THAT'll sure teach those spammers a lesson.

The U.S. FCC wielded the TCPA with reasonable effect against the
(supposedly?) English or Canadian 21st Century "1-900 vote" junk
fax blasters.  See

Related to what you wrote a little while ago, blackhole routes are
easier to deploy against overseas senders of junk IP packets (for most
localized notions of "overseas") than nearby spammers.  Do you get
much spam direct from China or Korea?

But what does this have to L2VPN or the IETF?

Vernon Schryver    vjs(_at_)rhyolite(_dot_)com

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