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Re: IETF58 - Network Status - 12:05PM Local Time

2003-11-10 16:23:21
Roland -

I'll just note that when I ran the AODV code earlier today,
I had to hand reset noth my mode & my essid (redhat linux/
wiconfig) after stopping the test code - this may not be
totally  transparent to folks and they may reset the ssid
but miss the mode setting...

Lucy E. Lynch                           Academic User Services
Computing Center                        University of Oregon
llynch           (541) 346-1774/Cell: 912-7998

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Roland Bless wrote:


We have been getting some reports of rooted machines (IETF Attendee 
not IETF NOC Machines) that are scanning and causing a lot of traffic on the
network.  IP Addresses are:
Please check your machines for these addresses.  If they are yours, please
stop by the terminal room, and ask for help.

It's not only this, but people are still running their cards in ad-hoc mode.
While I'm not an expert on this, I just saw several cards in ad-hoc mode
in Salon B (mip6 session).
There is an ongoing AODV test and I asked the guys at the help desk whether
there may be problems with WLAN infrastructure. They said, "oh no, as long
as the ssid is different from ietf58, there should be no problem". However,
I just saw my card (in managed mode) connecting to a card in ad-hoc mode
with a different ssid than ietf58 (I scanned that with my PDA at the same 
My Orinoco card has the latest firmware (8.72) and possibly my linux driver
is broken, but obviously there exists this subtle difference between theory
and practice (at least for my configuration, sorry). This is really annoying,
because it happened several times today.
Besides the fact that I've also seen cards in ad-hoc mode advertising 
I was wondering what others think about interference between ad-hoc mode and
infrastructure mode.

We are monitoring the mailing list 58crew(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org for problems.
Comments, suggestions, issues are very welcome here.
We would rather hear of a problem many times on the list, then not at all or
by way of rumor through the meetings.  Please let us know your concerns.

Thanks for your support,