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Re: Principles of Spam-abatement

2004-03-02 21:57:58

grenville armitage wrote:

Ed Gerck wrote:

Paul Vixie wrote:

i don't care who you are but i do care who you know.
If someone sends me a message asking for my comment
because they read some other comment I wrote, do I really
care who that someone is... or who they know? No, in fact I
am delighted if the question comes from a complete stranger
with no connection to me, my friends or his friends.

I'd suggest that in this case you _are_ reacting to who
they know. In some sense they 'know' you, because they're
reacting to something you wrote, 

Who you know (even me) was not important to me. Your message's 
content was the deciding factor that made me send this reply 
to you.  

Thus, in deciding whether I would reply to your message, indeed
it was relevant to me that you read my previous posting. However, 
I did not care who you are or who you know. I wouldn't care 
even if you would claim to know of me (a claim that email scams 
from Nigeria often make) or someone I know (ditto).

and thus have gained entry to your circle of 

Solely by what you wrote, my point exactly.

Ed Gerck