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Re: Vancouver schedule

2005-11-10 11:28:26

On Thu, 10 Nov 2005, Scott W Brim wrote:

Here's a suggestion: start the mornings earlier. Do we have to wait until 9:00? How about 8:00? Everyone is awake anyway. Then we can be done in the evening at 7:00.

There are morning people and there are night people, and it's hard to satisfy both. It is my impression that the IETF community is much more night than morning. I also agree with the comment that for many people mornings don't start with the first morning scheduled session but with pre-meetings, or commuting for local attendees or people who couldn't get into the conference hotel (I've had a nice 20-minute walk here, which was more appealing at 8AM than it would have been at 7AM).

As further support for doing lunch later, let me note that this week at least, most of the morning sessions I attended did not fill up their 2.5 hour allotment (of course there must have been others that did). So mornings with 2hour + 1hour or 2 1.5 hour sessions might be more generally useful.

 - RL "Bob"

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