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Re: IETF Attendance by continent

2010-08-07 23:28:04
Asia is big. Some parts of Asia (the middle east and the eastern parts of 
Russia) are closer to Europe than to China, Japan or Korea, at least as far as 
traveling goes.

But I think that only adds up to about 15-20 attendees, so it's still in the 

I also wonder if the data we have is about countries of citizenship, or where 
people actually work. A lot of people with Indian or Chinese  passports work in 
Silicon valley and are actually more comfortable with a meeting in north 
America than in Asia.

On Aug 8, 2010, at 3:04 AM, Michael StJohns wrote:

Hmm... folding Australia into Asia, Africa into Europe and S America into N 
America (for discussion purposes only) that's roughly

1/1/1.7 as a ratio. (Asia/Europe/NA).  Or 4/4/7.

It will be interesting to see what the other runs of the data show.


At 07:49 PM 8/7/2010, Donald Eastlake wrote:
Assuming the very simple model that attendance consists of a fixed number of 
constant attendees from each continent plus a "continentally local" variable 
number that only show up when the IETF meets on their continent and using the 
very limited data provided, using a rough least squares fit I get the following:

Constant Attendees
Africa 6
Asia 236
Europe 254
N.America 409
Australia 14
S.America 8

Continentally Local Attendees
Asia 333
Europe 173
N.America 232

 Donald E. Eastlake 3rd
 155 Beaver Street
 Milford, MA 01757 USA

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Bob Hinden 

During my IAOC chair plenary talk at IETF78 (slides are in the proceedings) I 
asked a question about continuing the current meeting policy (3 in North 
America, 2 in Europe, 1 in Asia in two year period (3-2-1) ) or changing to a 
1-1-1 policy based on current meeting attendance.  The talk included a graph of 
attendance by continent for IETF72-IETF78.  I was asked to provide this data to 
the community.

It is attached.  It includes the raw data and a new graph that shows attendance 
by percentage.  It appears to me that a 1-1-1 meeting policy is justified by 
current overall IETF meeting attendance.

Your comments are appreciated.


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