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Re: subject_prefix on IETF Discuss?

2011-08-03 14:27:04
Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

John Levine wrote:

I'm not unalterably opposed to subject tags, but I believe that the
IETF's dogfood is of the List-ID: flavor.

Which WG list do you suggest should be the guinea pig? Or shall we
change them all at once to remove the dreaded subject prefix? :)

What exactly are you discussing?  List-Id: is present on this list
already, and the WG mailing lists I'm subscribed to have both,
List-Id: and subject_prefix.

subject_prefix will work even with very ancient MUAs, such as the
one I use, so I'm OK.  But the subject_prefix does not scale well
when multiple IETF mailings lists are CC-ed and discussion ensues
(replying to all lists).

Will a subject_prefix confuse MUAs that support "threading" for
cross-posted discussions?

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