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RE: Routing at the Edges of the Internet

2011-08-29 20:53:15
From: Michel Py [michel(_at_)arneill-py(_dot_)sacramento(_dot_)ca(_dot_)us]

I'm no expert in this, but isn't this what ICMP Redirect messages
are for?  Aren't routers required to generate them in these cases?

Unfortunately, ICMP redirects are often broken. It is a well-known issue
that the introduction of Windows XP SP2 (a while ago) and the Windows
Firewall did that.

Someone says, We should have a mechanism to do X!

I reply, We already have a mechanism that does X.

Someone says, Many deployed systems don't implement that mechanism

It seems that the answer is to fix the deployed systems, rather than
designing a new mechanism.

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