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Re: discouraged by .docx was Re: Plagued by PPTX again

2011-11-26 13:26:19
On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 6:11 AM, t.petch <daedulus(_at_)btconnect(_dot_)com> 

I notice some ADs/WG chairs using this and while it gets converted to good
ole ASCII when it is archived, I would like to be able to read it
earlier in the process.

To allow people to read versions of documents throughout the
development process, export to ASCII/PDF could be
suggested/encouraged/required when versions of documents are shared
with others.

Given a dozen authors, one may find a dozen different authoring
environments using a half-dozen or more word processing, markup, or
typesetting applications. Even with that diversity, all of the
documents can (likely) be distilled down into a tidy set of PDF/A

If interoperability is required for shared editing of documents, then
I agree that formats like ASCII or plain HTML might be more widely
supported than a format such as Word binary (.doc) or OOXML, but for
just shared viewing of documents, I believe that PDF/A will serve very

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