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Re: The RFC Acknowledgement

2013-02-10 15:02:34
At 11:04 PM 2/8/2013, Abdussalam Baryun wrote:
The problem is that most people don't complain or don't like to
complain, that is reality, they will leave such society easily.

Are we talking about the same IETF?

Seriously, this group as a whole does not tend to shy away from making their 
issues known, and mostly doesn't take their bat and ball and leave if things 
don't go their way.  

I'm joining this thread a little late  (I have read the later comments) and I 
want to push back on pretty much any formal requirement or common model for 
including people in the acknowledgements sections.  I believe this needs to be 
left to the document editor and to the chair, and for individual contributions, 
never pushed to an AD for resolution.

I have been told anecdotally that some companies or organizations provide 
bonuses or bounties of different values for employees that get their names on a 
ID or RFC as document editor, author, co-author or contributor (in the 
acknowledgements section).   I'm not sure of the reality with respect to this 
anecdote, but I'd hate to find some sort of mandatory "thank you" being 
required which might result in additional comments that add little or nothing 
to the process simply so someone can get a bonus.  It's simply not the IETF way.


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