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Re: Updating BCP 10 -- NomCom ELEGIBILITY

2015-02-11 14:58:41
At 10:43 AM 2/11/2015, Loa Andersson wrote:
The operation of each nomcom are pretty opaque to those who are not on it.   
For those who have interacted with a nomcom as candidates, such an impression 
might exist.   It's possible that nomcom liaisons or chairs could speak to 
this.   However, since nomcom proceedings are supposed to be confidential, I 
don't know how much they could really say.   Because these properties of the 
nomcom are intentional and useful, it does make sense to be particularly 
careful about how nomcom eligibility is determined and not just trust to 
peoples' good natures.

Sorry I was not talking about the operations of the NomCom, but how
many drones we have in the pool. Looking at a few of the last pools
(the +100) I dare say that the figure is low, if we regardless of that
have problems in the NomCom operations no rule whatsoever will help.

It would be interesting to take a look at the "large company" pool volunteers 
over say the past 20 years and figure out a way of giving them an activity 
factor (e.g. attendee vs contributor) - but finding an objective scale that we 
could all agree with to assign such activity factor would be difficult.

I say large company because about 55-60% (rough number - just from scanning) or 
so of the voting members of the Nomcoms over the last 20 years appear have come 
from companies with large numbers of attendees at the IETF - said companies 
tending to be what I think of as "big".   

The other number to look at might be the number of attendees (percentage wise) 
per company per meeting vs number of volunteers (percentage wise) per company 
per nomcom.  All things being equal I would expect those percentages to be 
close to identical.  I would expect where the nomcom volunteer percentage 
exceeds the attendee percentage to maybe be indicative of a desire by the 
company to place members on the Nomcom.

Later, Mike