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Re: [Nmh-workers] m_getfld

2012-12-10 01:40:55
[2012-12-09 18:59] Ken Hornstein <kenh(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com>
Yes, but by "different purposes" I was thinking how scan
digs back into the IO buffers.  Though maybe that won't
be necessary any more.

I had forgotten about that.  Okay, looking at that now .... alright,
that's not as nasty as I thought.  All it does is to use the output
stdio buffer as the input buffer for m_getfld() so we can avoid an extra
copy.  Can we all agree that's not necessary anymore, and the resulting
performance gain is probably miniscule?  If so, I can simply get rid of
that garbage now.

Just one word about performance:

I've removed the ``dig into internal IO buffers'' stuff in March and
noticed no performance loss. See


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